


People are at the heart of everything we do, and our educators are the team that makes ACE’s work possible.

Leadership Team

Ralph Gonzales headshot

Ralph Gonzales

Director of Student Support
Casey Mason headshot

Casey Mason

Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Matthew Salas headshot

Matthew Salas

Director of Community Engagement

Administrative Staff

Carla Grossetete headshot

Carla Grossetete

Assistant Business Office Manager
Lisa Lopez headshot

Lisa Lopez

Office Manager
Roberta Zamora headshot

Roberta Zamora


Project Teachers - Day Program

Tony Beach headshot

Tony Beach

Project Teacher and Advisor
Cydelia-Chavez headshot

Cydelia Chavez

Math Coach/Interventionist
Erik-Donald headshot

Erik Donald

Project Teacher and Advisor
Brad-Humble headshot

Brad Humble

ACE Industry Coach

Dianne Styma

Project Teacher and Advisor
Gillie-Marquez headshot

Gillie Marquez

Project Teacher and Advisor
Alex-McNease headshot

Alex McNease

Project Teacher and Advisor, Special Education Coordinator
Ben-White headshot

Ben White

Project Teacher and Advisor
Sydney Wootten

Sydney Wootten

Project Teacher and Advisor

Alex Klein

Project Teacher and Advisor
Andres Guerrero

Andres Guerrero

Project Teacher and Advisor

Project Teachers - Evening Program

Sara Fielding

Project Teacher and Advisor
Omkulthoom-Qassem headshot

Omkulthoom Qassem

Project Teacher and Advisor

Juan Arciniega-Adams

Project Teacher and Advisor

Student Support Staff

Miguel Gonzales headshot

Miguel Gonzales

Achievement Coach
Marina-Meas headshot

Marina Maes

Social Worker
Mindy-Romero headshot

Mindy Romero, LMSW

Social Worker
Tim-Scannell headshot

Tim Scannell

Social Worker
Martin-Trujillo headshot

Martin Trujillo

Student Engagement Coach

Johnny Moraga

Industry/Career Liaison, Student Support

Paz Barria

Social Worker
Jonathan-McMinn headshot

Jonathan McMinn

IT Supervisor

Athena Serrano

Social Worker Intern

Community Engagement

Julie-Jaynes headshot

Julie Jaynes

Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Lilia Navarro

Lilia Navarro

Community School Coordinator and Transition Coordinator